Satori is an intense retreat where everything is focused on you having a direct experience of yourself. It uses techniques and structure of zen tradition and self-inquiry and with the support of facilitators and the team, you are having all you need to have that direct experience...
Archive for tag: events

SOMATIC EXPERIENCING – Introductory training with KAVI GEMIN
Centre for Inner Development and Joy invites you to the Introductory Somatic Experiencing (SE) Training, to be held online using the zoom application on April 3-4, 2021.

AUM Meditation with Vardha – March 2021
SATURDAY, MARCH 20th: From sound to soundlessness... From the outer to the inner... From the periphery to the center... This meditation makes it easy to go in, to find the silence within, to just be...

Yin Yoga Class – All Around
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th: Meet our yin yoga teachers! We are happy and proud to be able to invite you to the first YIN YOGA TEACHER TRAINING in Serbia, which will take place at Homeplace in Belgrade, from the 24th to the 30th of May, 2021...

Hara Heart Meditation with Vardha – January 2021
SATURDAY, JANUARY 23rd: This meditation is all about connection and dropping out of our mind: From Head to Heart to Hara... Connecting with our...

Hara Heart Meditation with Vardha – January 2021
SATURDAY, JANUARY 23rd: This meditation is all about connection and dropping out of our mind: From Head to Heart to Hara... Connecting with our Hara, to get back in touch with our center...

SOMATIC EXPERIENCING – Introductory training in Belgrade with Kavi Gemin
Centre for Inner Development and Joy invites you to the Introductory Somatic Experiencing (SE) Training, to be held in Belgrade on January 25-26, 2020. This is an introductory training for anyone interested in learning more about the importance and basic techniques of working with traumatic experiences.

Yoga in English – drop in class
This class is tailored to teach you body control and strength building through transitional flows. It will provide modifications, intensifications and opportunities to play. Each class emphasises a different discipline...

Dynamic yoga class – open class with Gorca Mateu
The Dynamic yoga focusses on the awakening of intelligence, rather than the development of skill or power. Rather than emphasizing what you...
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