Friday, May 23, 2025 17:30 – Sunday, May 25, 2025 17:00
Homeplace, Belgrade, Serbia
“The definition of yoga unveiled”
This immersion explores the vision and intention of yoga in classical writings such as the Yoga Sutras and the Vedas, known as Dhyana Yoga or the Yoga of Meditation. They converge towards an understanding of the nature of the mind. The qualities that characterise the practice of Yin Yoga, such as calm, introspection and observation, are conducive to meditation and its study.
With its calming, relaxed approach, Yin Yoga naturally leads us into a meditative experience. The asanas are designed to open the lower body, allow for extended periods of sitting, reduce discomfort, and encourage a deeper meditative and mindful connection. This bridge between Yin Yoga and meditation brings insight and nourishment to practitioners.
FRIDAY, 23 MAY 2025
- Practice: Yin Yoga & The Tao of Yoga
This class combines breathing techniques, Qi-Gong exercises, anchoring techniques, and Yin Yoga poses. A harmonious blend brings us back to the center, to the point of the Tao, our space of balance.
- Practice – Yin yoga for the spine
This sequence targets the spine by exploring its six directions. It combines asanas and diaphragmatic breathing throughout the practice to decompress the intervertebral discs and release deep tissue tension and stagnation around the lumbar segment and along the spine.
Pause: 10m
- Theory – The definition of yoga
Deciphering the definition of yoga presented in Patanjali’s sutras: Yogash Citta Vritti Nirodhah – Yoga is the control of the conceptual mind. This first lecture will lay the foundations of Maharishi Sri Patanjali’s approach, based on the Samkhya philosophy used by Sri Patanjali as a framework for his presentation.
Lunch break: 12.00-14.00
- Theory – Citta
Or our field of perception, in which the Vrittis (fluctuations of the mind) manifest themselves. Citta is a key concept in yogic psychology and one of the least explicit in the sutras. Let’s explore and understand the subtleties of Manas, the mind, Ahamkara, the ego, and Buddhi, the reason.
Pause: 10m
- Practice – Yin Yoga & Meditation
This introspective class begins with a slow, relaxing sequence toward calm to cultivate a keen sense of observation. It concludes with a meditation on a single focal point (Eka-Grata).
SUNDAY, 25 May 2025
- Practice – Yin Yoga for the Hips
This sequence focuses on the pelvis and uses deep lunges and lower body movements to play with compression around the hips and explore our range of movement. Combining asanas and diaphragmatic breathing throughout the whole practice.
Pause: 10m
- Theory – Nirodha
Or holding back, channelling, or inhibiting the impositions of the conceptual mind. Nirodha, or the practice of yoga, the control of the mind’s agency, is defined by Patanjali by two terminologies: Abhyasa and Vairagya or Practice and Renunciation. What does Patanjali mean? How to integrate some of his teachings?
Lunch break: 12.00-14.00
- Theory – Q&A
It’s time for the question-and-answer session. Let’s take a moment to recap Sri Patanjali’s remarkable revelations and draw some conclusions.
Pause: 10m
- Practice – Yin Yoga & Meditation
This introspective class begins with a slow, relaxing sequence toward calm to cultivate a keen sense of observation. It concludes with a meditation on a single focal point (Eka-Grata).
The program will be held in English.
The program will be held in Homeplace (Ravanička 42) in Belgrade, Serbia.
- Friday class: €35
- Morning or afternoon periods Saturday or Sunday: €50
- Saturday or Sunday all day: €90
- The whole weekend: 170€ –
Places are limited
The above prices do not include accommodation and food.
Please register by filling out this form.
Regarding registaration, contact: or make a call: + 381 64 174 6918 (Marija Kavisho Milićević)
If you have any questions about the program, please contact:
About Teachers:
Murielle Burellier
Murielle’s yoga journey began in London early 90’s when she discovered an old yoga book in a second hand shop. It ignited a deep interest for this practice that led to attending regular classes over the years experimenting with different styles like Hatha, Iyengar and Prana Flow, she certified as a Yoga Teacher in 2004 at International Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Ashram.
She first came across Yin Yoga in London first attending a class of Sarah Powers in 2006, then took a longer training with Victor Chng in 2009 and later studied with Paul and Suzee Grilley (Initiators of Yin Yoga) in Singapore, Kho Samui and California deepening her understanding and practice in this form of yoga, she still develops and expands her knowledge on the spiritual path with her natural and discerning intuition.
She is naturally drawn to a meditative and contemplative approach, after studying Vajrayana “The Diamond Way” for over 5 years in London, Murielle feel innately connected to the Buddha’s teaching rather than any particular school, adopting the practice of Yin Yoga to implement her aspiration and research on the spiritual path. Her approach is gentle and compassionate focusing on the breath, letting go and letting be, which encompasses so well the essence of the Yin-Yoga practice.
She has also studied Prenatal Yoga and offers a safe class environment to bring a sense of well being and connection during this important transition time of childbearing.
Based in between South-East Asia and Europe Murielle has been teaching for the past years in different Yoga venues to students from all walks of life and co-teaches with Sebastian in all the different Yoga events.
Sebastian Pucelle
Studying Yoga since 1995, his personal journey through Yoga started with Ashtanga, Hatha and Yin-Yoga.
For the past 3 decades, Sebastian has practiced Martial Art, Shiatsu, Yoga and Meditation, refining and stabilizing his research to the study of Yin-Yoga as a foundation, to sustain and promote a holistic life-style. Combining western anatomy and meridians theory approach, the practice of Yin Yoga comes to be a potent healing, and psycho-spiritual system.
Discovering Yin Yoga in London with Sarah Powers in 2006 at Triyoga Studio, Sebastian was inspired to integrate a more contemplative/meditative mind in his Yoga Practice. Sebastian has been assisting Paul & Suzee Grilley (Initiators of Yin-Yoga) in their training and continue to study under their prominent expertise and fun-loving teaching.
His teaching is enhanced by 8 years of experience as a body therapist (qualified Shiatsu practitioner) and martial art instructor, (nidan in Taido, Japanese Martial art).
Another major influence is until now the study of Buddhism. His main enthusiasm since 2002 is the practice of Vipassana (Goenka Style) and Samatha Meditation (Ayya Khema – Pak Auk Sayadaw Method) or concentration meditation. (Leigh Brasington – Tina Rasmussen & Stephen Snyder) as well as exploring Samatha from a Tibetan Buddhist approach, with practices such as Settling the Mind in his natural state or Awareness of Awareness (Alan Wallace).
Otkrivanje istinskog značenja joge
S velikim zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo da nam se pridružite na vikend programu Yin Yoga Immersion – Philosophy & Meditation koji će se održati od petka, 23. maja, do nedelje, 25. maja 2025. godine u Homeplace – Holističkom centru u Beogradu.
Ovo uranjanje istražuje viziju i nameru joge u klasičnim spisima poput Joga sutri i Veda, poznatih kao Dhyana Yoga ili Joga meditacije. Oni se usmeravaju ka razumevanju prirode uma. Osobine koje karakterišu praksu Yin joge, poput smirenosti, introspekcije i posmatranja, pogodne su za meditaciju i njeno proučavanje.
Sa svojim umirujućim, opuštenim pristupom, Yin joga nas prirodno vodi u meditativno iskustvo. Asane su dizajnirane da otvore donji deo tela, omoguće duže periode sedenja, smanje nelagodnost i podstaknu dublju meditativnu i svesnu povezanost. Ovaj most između Yin joge i meditacije donosi uvid i unutrašnju hranu onima koji je praktikuju.
Program će voditi Sebastian Pucelle i Murielle Burellier, predavači iz Francuske sa vanserijskim iskustvom i međunarodnim ugledom, koji su u Homeplace centru tokom proteklih godina održali dva treninga za Yin joga instruktore (Anatomy & Functional Approach – 2021; Meridians, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Taoism – 2023), kao i dve specijalne radionice Yin joge (Yin Yoga i anatomija kičme i Yin Yoga i meditacija – 2023).
Mesto i vreme održavanja:
Program će biti održan u Homeplace – Holističkom centru (Ravanička 42) u Beogradu, 23-25. maja 2025.
Program će se održati na engleskom jeziku.
- Petak, 23. maj: €35
- Prepodnevni ILI popodnevni časovi u subotu (24. maj) ili nedelju (25. maj): €50
- Celodnevni časovi u subotu ili nedelju: €90
- Čitav vikend: 170€ –
Broj mesta je ograničen.
Navedenim cenama nisu obuhvaćeni smeštaj i hrana.
Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem formulara kome možete pristupiti ovde:
Za sva pitanja vezana u vezi sa registracijom i uplatom, obratite se na: ili na + 381 64 174 6918 (Marija Kavisho Milićević)
Za sva pitanja vezana za sam program, obratite se na:
With-YinYoga is a school recognized by Yoga alliance.